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First North Korean Defector Elected to South Korean Parliament!

Photo Credit: National Review:

”I want to tell them there is a new way to the Future”

Thae Yong  Ho { Ku Min }: “save people”

Congratulations!  To South Korea and a new way to the future. 

South Korea has elected the first North Korean defector to the South Korean Parliament, Thae Yong Ho { Ku Min : meaning “save People”} 

He was a former North Korean diplomat in London’s embassy representing North Korea .

He escaped from North Korea’s control to South Korea with his family in 2016 . He left so his children would not have to live miserable lives.

Thae Yong Ho was elected by the residents of the Gangnam district { remember the hit song Gangnam style back in 2012}

He was elected only a week ago.

“ I thank you { Gangnam residents for selecting me to become the first{ defector} of North Korea to win a constituency. I’ll only uphold your order and work hard,” Thae Yong Ho stated.

He belongs to the United Future Party. They take a hard line on North Korea’s nuclear pursuit and they don’t ignore the human rights abuses in North Korea . He is known in North Koreas as human scum.

North Korean refugees are the only refugees in the world that are automatically made citizens when they arrive in South Korea. They are given a chance to learn how to function in South Korea’s fast paced and competitive lifestyle by training given at Hanawon Settlement Support Center.

However, North Koreans find themselves in an uphill battle to be accepted by South Koreans in everyday community life. They are often not seen as South Koreans but as “ North Koreans”. Refugees feel as if they are always trying to ”catch up” while dealing with the guilt of leaving their families behind in a torturous  country.

Thao Yong Ho’s election is a victory for all Koreans and another step towards  accepting each other and being known by your “Character“ and not by your location of origin. His perspective gives him the passion for freedom that comes only from knowing what it is like to live without it. He has an understanding of the true nature of North Korea and therefore has a better pathway to a unification policy that does not compromise the human rights of North Koreans.

Unlike President Moon Jae, who seeks reconciliation with Pyongyang over human rights concerns.

The Election of Thao Hong Ho is the wedge that dislodges the closed door that separates North and South Koreans hearts. His election catapults all Koreans towards becoming ONE Korea. HANA.

CONGRATULATIONS South Korea! You have taken an enormous step for all Koreans to no longer be known by your location of origin, but by their heart and soul. 

HANA – One Free Korea

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HANA Reaching Hearts from Around the WORLD!

The Dream for HANA took flight this Summer, and we can’t wait to see how she SOARS!

What a wonderful and busy summer it has been! We were able to make so many wonderful connections both locally and with DREAMERS around the world!

The summer of 2019 for , Hana Crosses The Freedom Bridge, was rewarding and successful!

It was made available at 12 book signings in 9 different towns in Michigan, 1 book fair,  and 3 sidewalk sales!

We even had some missionary friends who presented our book and our “Use YOUR DREAMS to Change the World” presentation at children’s camps in both the Ukraine and Israel!

“I love your HANA book because it doesn’t hide the truth, in a world of fairy tales” – A Father of young HANA Dreamers

Hundreds of children were invited to pray for the reunification of Korea. They did this by decorating ribbons with Korean words expressing DREAMS of PEACE, JOY, FREEDOM, LOVE and HANA!

They  tied the ribbons on a small fence representing the fence that separates Korea at the DMZ where many individuals have tied ribbons expressing their dreams for reunification.

“I want to turn your book into a MOVIE when I grow up! Can I? I want to help Korea become ONE too!!” – A young HANA Dreamer!

We were so happy to be able to connect with so many people who are from South Korea, or who have defected from North Korea, who are also passionate about changing the hearts and minds of the North Korean people with LOVE until God makes them ONE, HANA.

So far, we have been able to donate over $1,000 for the proceeds of our book “HANA Crosses The Freedom Bridge”, to Jungdaehyun school in Busan, South Korea. This boarding school is dedicated to educating and developing life skills of North Korean students, while encouraging and cultivating a relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.

Thank you for your support as, Hana Crosses the Freedom Bridge, is made available at schools and church  presentations, and more book signings this coming school year! And thank you for Praying and believing for HANA – One Free Korea!

Never forget…

One Person Matters

One Dream Matters

You can use YOUR DREAMS to CHANGE the WORLD!